Alone but not alone

Alone but not alone

Author: Celeste Davis
October 05, 2019

Alone but Not Alone

It was early morning and the house was very still as I walked slowly from the den into the kitchen. He was gone from me but alive with God.  The hospital bed behind me had been set up near the large wall of windows that overlooked the Lake. It was important to me that everything about that room be as beautiful as possible.  For months it had been the place where we spent our time together waiting for a miracle of healing to stay on this earth a while longer or a home going. It was our favorite room in the house and a testimony to years of walking by faith. Pieces from around the world collected on mission trips, photos of family, mounts of Impala and Marlin.  I determined it would be the room we would spend the last days, being able to see the Lake he loved from the hilltop, watching the Pine Trees blowing in the slight breeze and the beautiful mornings and sunsets.
As I passed in a dazed state thru the doorway, a note on the fridge caught my eye. “My times are in thy hand”. A calm voice spoke to my spirit, “do you believe that? Instantly, I knew it was God speaking to me. I had put the scripture up to encourage my husband during this long battle. The challenge was now directed to my faith and I knew the answer was to influence the rest of my life.  “Yes Lord, I believe.

Psalm 31:15a
My times are in thy hand…

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Your gifts to this ministry are tax deductible.  Celeste Davis Ministries operates under Combine Harvesting Int’l Outreach, a 508 © (1) (a) Tax Exempt Organization.  She and her husband originally ministered under Loren Davis Ministries.  Celeste continues the ministry since her husband has gone to be with the Lord.

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