Living in a muddle of confusion

Living in a muddle of confusion

Author: Celeste Davis
October 08, 2019

Living in A Muddle of Confusion

Many people advise not to make any serious decisions while you are grieving because you may not be able to comprehend the far-reaching implications of your choices.  The problem is that you think you are perfectly fine! You think you are thinking as clearly as you ever were but with just more sadness underlying each thought.  You don’t realize the trauma you are going through and how that affects the mind. The result was an ever-increasing pattern of indecision.
I couldn’t get out of bed. After two years I still wasn’t making my bed. Not on purpose, I just didn’t even notice I wasn’t making it! What was the point?  I was functioning but whereas I had always been an organized person, now I was wandering around in a daze.  I thought I was in my own perfectly clear mind. After all, it’s my feelings that are hurt. I’ve lost something very precious. It’s my heart and my head that is in pain.
One day I came across a very inspiring video which opened with the challenge, not only to get out of bed, but to make your bed the first thing in the morning.  If nothing else got accomplished that day, that simple act of making your bed every morning would encourage you that at least you got one thing done that day!
I thought, “I can do that.” I can’t do anything else, but I can do that. And so, it began. Was it easy? No, in fact, it was very difficult, but I fought thru the seeming hopelessness of doing that one simple act and did it anyway. Deliberately. One day at a time.

1 Corinthians 14:33
For God is not the author of confusion but of peace…


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