India Outreach
Author: Celeste Davis
October 22, 2019
This map of INDIA shows the areas we have reached beginning in 1994.The red states indicate where we have been. PLEASE help me finish taking the Gospel to the Green areas.
Pray and ask God what you should do for getting the life giving Gospel of Jesus to these precious people. Year end is coming up. Your donation could mean Everlasting LIFE for millions living in darkness of the GREAT GIFT GOD HAS PROVIDED .
We need $100,000 by year end. Please pray for SOULS and help us reach this goal.
Blessings, Celeste Davis
Support Our Ministry
Your gifts to this ministry are tax deductible. Celeste Davis Ministries operates under Combine Harvesting Int’l Outreach, a 508 © (1) (a) Tax Exempt Organization. She and her husband originally ministered under Loren Davis Ministries. Celeste continues the ministry since her husband has gone to be with the Lord.
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