Under The Shadow of His Wings
Author: Celeste Davis
March 22, 2022
Easter has a very personal meaning for me. Many people think Easter is the birthday of the Easter bunny and springtime and flowers but it is a picture of the resurrection of our Lord!
On Easter Sunday in 2004 my husband Loren Davis and I were getting ready for a trip into The Sudan from our base in Kenya, East Africa. We would build a church in the middle of a war! As I woke up that morning a voice in my ear said "this is the last time you will ever ride in your plane on anymore missions". In fact the voice was painting a vivid picture of our last day on earth.
I said in my mind, "devil you are a liar so there is no need to intimidate me. I will not believe a liar! I know that the opposite is true, I have the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus and He is more powerful than you!"
Christ is my life but I was quite shaken at this unexpected threat and mental and emotional attack before even getting out of bed.
I determined not to tell Loren or anyone on the team what had happened and I dressed hurriedly. We prayed with our team and left the house for our plane parked at a grass airstrip just a few miles away on a friend's farm.
Everyone was excited and ready to get into the air and on to our mission in The Sudan.
Suddenly after take-off the stall horn in the plane started screaming. I hated that sound but it means you need to make a correction or you're going to crash! The others in the plane didn't know what that sound meant and were oblivious to the danger, but I knew!
Within just a few minutes I saw the earth coming up and knew we were going to crash. Loren was calm and maneuvered the plane as much as possible to avoid hitting trees and suddenly we found ourselves crashing on the soft freshly plowed furrows a farmer had just prepared for his seed.
The cargo pod on the underbelly of the plane caught the brunt of the crash. We hit a furrow and immediately found ourselves sailing upside down and crashed into a fence.
The plane was crumpled except for the area where we were sitting. Our bodies took a tremendous blow when we hit the ground and flipped upside down but Loren was quick thinking and turned off the fuel so that we might be able to get out before the plane blew up. We got out of our upside down position in the seat belts as quickly as our surprised stupor would let us. Loren had kicked and punched the doors until they opened in their crumpled state to get us out.
It was a miracle and that's what Easter is all about! Jesus Christ, God come to earth in the flesh, broke the power of death with His Precious Blood to set us free from the power of sin and death. His resurrection from the dead was proof that our Father God had accepted His blood sacrifice on the cross.
He was God in the flesh, and his perfect blood "uncontaminated by sin" was the payment for our sin when we accept Him as our Savior. It was a great picture to us that we had an opportunity to "live again" on that Easter Sunday to serve Him.
THANK YOU for making it possible to STILL REACH OUT to the World thru your love gifts to this ministry.
Celeste Davis
...about my father's business....Luke 2:49b
OUT OF THE FIRE, The Loren and Celeste Davis Story is available by clicking
She is available to speak to your church or group. Contact her at celeste@celestedavis.org
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