Author: Celeste Davis
January 03, 2022
For Ravi and Stacey…
Death is a stealth robber. The Bible says, “Jesus came to
give us life”, but “the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy.” This horrible
enemy defiles you, the bystander, in the moment, and freezes your heart in time
and space. It shouts a victory to your mind. It shakes your emotions that we
are powerless to rail against, though we try with all our heart.
Our bodies are shocked, literally shocked! This buzzing in
our flesh is like thousands of needles pricking us with the information of
sudden loss. Except thru the precious Word
of God we cannot survive the bludgeoning of the mental and physical torment that
the loss of a loved one brings. We are helpless to this enemy, mine, and yours.
Only God can carry us thru the torment which only eases but is never gone. God’s
plan was for abundant life, but an enemy slipped into that garden long ago.
My dear friend Ravi, in India, lost her husband a month ago
to a sudden massive heart attack. They were our team leaders in the country.
The shock reverberated in both countries.
Stacey, here in the states, but out of country in Mexico,
lost her husband last week on a much-needed vacation. When she sent me a text
message, I was instantly shocked again and catapulted back seven years to my own
terrible loss as I grieved for her. My husband of more than 27 years quietly
slipped away from me and was carried by the angels before I could comprehend
what had happened! I knew every emotion and thought my friends were going thru.
I pray now for the comfort of family and friends to surround
them. I pray God’s Word to take their place as warriors standing guard over their
widowed souls in this new battle with emotional pain and time and memory.
Thank you, Lord! Walk with them and carry them when needed as
you continue to do with me.
Celeste Davis 1/3/22
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Your gifts to this ministry are tax deductible. Celeste Davis Ministries operates under Combine Harvesting Int’l Outreach, a 508 © (1) (a) Tax Exempt Organization. She and her husband originally ministered under Loren Davis Ministries. Celeste continues the ministry since her husband has gone to be with the Lord.
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